African tick bite fever is caused by rickettsia africae and tends to be a milder illness, with less prominent rash and little tendency to progress to complicated disease. 非洲蜱咬热是由非洲立克次氏体引起,往往病情温和,严重皮疹少,病情很少发展为复杂病情。
Since 1990, the three Tick born diseases ( Lyme disease, Spotted Fever Rickettsia and Orbivirus disease) have been found in Fujian. There were may become a public health problem in the future. 1990年以来,福建先后发现3种蜱媒疾病(莱姆病、斑点热群立克次体病和环状病毒病),这3种疾病今后可能成为福建省的公共卫生问题。
The parasitism and reproduction of Rickettsia like organisms ( RLOs) in hemocytes of Eriocheir sinensis infected with tremor disease, were studied via transmission electron microscopy. 本文对患颤抖病的中华绒螯蟹血细胞内类立克次体生物RLOs的寄生及繁殖特性进行了超微结构研究。